Get the Facts About the Atlantic Coast Pipeline
The approximately 600-mile Atlantic Coast Pipeline is designed to make our region energy sure by connecting us to an abundant supply of affordable, cleaner-burning natural gas.

Project Update: Supreme Court Victory for the ACP

Project Update: Supreme Court Victory for the ACP

In a win for consumers and businesses across our region, today the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and its ability to cross below the Appalachian Trail. This big legal victory clears the way for the ACP team to resolve the remaining project permits and restart construction this year.

Once the project is back underway, the ACP will once again bring jobs and economic opportunity to communities across North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia. When complete, the project will meet the growing energy needs of consumers and our economy.

TheACP released a statement, saying, “Today’s decision is an affirmation for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and communities across our region that are depending on it for jobs, economic growth and clean energy. […] In its decision today, the Supreme Court upheld the longstanding precedent allowing infrastructure crossings of the Appalachian Trail. For decades, more than 50 other pipelines have safely crossed the Trail without disturbing its public use. The Atlantic Coast Pipeline will be no different.”

While this is an important milestone for the ACP, we know that a small group of vocal opponents want to stop this critical project and the jobs and affordable energy it will bring with it. We hope that you will stand with us to support the ACP and its mission of making our region more energy secure. If you haven’t already, please join the EnergySure coalition.

Beyond benefitting the region’s economy, the Atlantic Coast Pipeline will also bring clean, reliable energy for a better future. The military in Hampton Roads, Virginia, and communities along eastern North Carolina have been waiting for years to see the ACP built to support everything from military bases to manufacturing to home heating.

We stand with the ACP, and so does the nation’s highest court. We are excited to see all the positive change the ACP will bring—it’s time again to build the ACP!
