The EnergySure Coalition
Standing Up for Reliable Energy

ACP would benefit all of Virginia

ACP would benefit all of Virginia

Nelson County Times
by Gloria Tolbert

The release of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s draft environmental impact statement for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline was a major win for the project. Environmentalists and local activists have been steadfast in their opposition but the findings, while they aren’t groundbreaking, are difficult to argue.

Some highlights that I noted in the commentary by FERC that they found in reviewing the concerns of the opposition: 1. There would be no contamination risk to surrounding soil and groundwater. (p. ES-8) 2. Construction of the hotel Wintergreen Resort and development of the Spruce Creek Resort and Market can be accomplished (p. ES-12) 3. ACP would not significantly impact public safety. (p. ES-12) 4. Major pipeline route alternatives and variations do not offer a significant environmental advantage and therefore are not preferable to the proposed action (p. ES-14).

While the report was just released, the findings are no surprise to anyone who has followed this project closely. The pipeline would produce numerous economic development opportunities and thousands of jobs. One of those jobs is my husband, who comes from a family of pipeliners. His grandfather, father and himself have built pipelines all over the country. To have him at home in Virginia for two years would be an added benefit of this project.

The Atlantic Coast Pipeline should not be a divisive topic, but one that brings Virginians together. We need the infrastructure to stay competitive and preserve our standing as one of the best states to conduct business in. The draft environmental impact statement is just the latest salvo to reinforce the validity and common sense driving this project. Let’s join together to support the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and ensure Virginia’s energy and economic future.


Read the full story in the Nelson County Times


Construction | Economy | Environment | FERC | Project Need | Safety | Virginia