The EnergySure Coalition
Standing Up for Reliable Energy

Contractor urges FERC to approve pipeline project

Contractor urges FERC to approve pipeline project

The Recorder
by Scott Bazzarre

Editor’s note: The following letter was submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regarding Dominion Resources’ proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline..

After a couple of years, we have finally reached the point of getting this pipeline built! We have no other realistic choice but to get the Atlantic Coast Pipeline installed and operational to assure our constant power supply for the 21st century.

Regardless of what the opponents say, there is no other viable option yet beyond using natural gas or going back to coal. As an engineer and contractor, I understand the math involved, and the only way it adds up is to get the ACP installed and operational as quickly as possible.

For the sake of Dominion’s millions of customers, local contractors, workers that need good paying jobs, and future growth in the central Virginia area, the ACP is the best thing to happen to us on an infrastructure basis in a number of decades.

For local tax bases and potential industry, this project is a must.

Please approve the ACP so we can move forward as quickly as possible!

Thanks for your time and effort with this most needed project.

Scott Bazzarre
Charlottesville, Va.

Read the full story in The Recorder


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