The EnergySure Coalition
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Editorial: Environmental demands deserve scrutiny

Editorial: Environmental demands deserve scrutiny

Richmond Times-Dispatch

On Saturday, a coalition of environmental, “social justice” and similar groups will descend upon the Executive Mansion to demand that Gov. Terry McAuliffe adopt policies more to their liking. They want him to oppose offshore drilling and the Atlantic Coat Pipeline, support a cap on carbon pollution, and join their call for “energy justice, democratic renewal, and healthy communities in Virginia.” 

The groups — which include well-known ones such as Virginia Organizing and lesser-known ones such as the Green Grannies of Charlottesville — have written an open letter to the governor spelling out those demands. But while it is long on lofty rhetoric about “love and energy justice for all” and ending the “environmental racism and energy racism that have for centuries harmed indigenous nations and people of color,” it is remarkably short on specifics about the real trade-offs that energy policy decisions entail.

Read the full story in the Richmond Times-Dispatch


Environment | Natural Gas | Virginia