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Virginia Natural Gas playing with big boys in Atlantic Coast Pipeline debate

Virginia Natural Gas playing with big boys in Atlantic Coast Pipeline debate

By: Michael Martz, Richmond Times-Dispatch.

The telephones began ringing at Virginia Natural Gas and economic development offices in Hampton Roads soon after Gov. Terry McAuliffe stood with Dominion Resources CEO Thomas F. Farrell II almost two years ago to announce plans for a $5 billion pipeline to transport natural gas from the booming West Virginia shale fields to the Atlantic Coast.

The calls came from companies looking for potential sites to expand their businesses with a reliable supply of natural gas in an economically struggling region that faces increasing constraints on its access to the fuel of choice for many energy-intensive manufacturers, especially during severe winters when demand is highest.

Steven Wright, Chesapeake’s economic development director, said he saw an immediate surge in interest from potential economic prospects after the announcement of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline in September 2014 by Dominion and a trio of other energy companies, including the Atlanta-based parent of Virginia Natural Gas.

Read the full story in the Richmond Times-Dispatch.


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