The EnergySure Coalition
Standing Up for Reliable Energy

Let's get behind the Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Let's get behind the Atlantic Coast Pipeline

The News Leader
by Kenneth Hartzog

Reliable, affordable energy is a key component to a successful state. We are fortunate that a few states in close proximity to the Commonwealth have an abundant supply of Marcellus Shale that Virginians will hopefully have access to in the very near future.

Those supporting this project have mentioned the benefits including lowering energy costs, providing a reliable source of natural gas and the creation of more than 8,000 new jobs. Even Governor Terry McAuliffe has publicly stated that the Atlantic Coast Pipeline is projected to provide the state $1.4 billion in economic activity. The FERC confirmed the economic growth in their report.

Factor in the environmental benefits and the question becomes how can we not develop this project? FERC stated in their recent draft environment impact statement that there would be no contamination risk to surrounding soil and groundwater media nor impact on tourism and no significant long-term or permanent loss of the natural, cultural, scenic, and recreational values our region. The fact is, that cleaner burning natural gas will reduce harmful air emissions and our carbon footprint while transitioning to a much safer method of transportation of the gas would seem to warrant and necessitate a commitment to building this pipeline. And to those “keep it in the ground” crowd, natural gas supports the renewable when the wind isn’t blowing and the sun isn’t shining. We can work together, reasonably.

The many fears expressed in this paper, are nearly all debunked with the recent FERC draft. We’ve stated that the merits of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline speak for themselves and progress and innovation are the cornerstones our country and necessary for the success our children’s future. I appreciate the opposition passion, but the reality of your goal for 100% solar and wind, is just not feasible, at this time and likely in the next 20 years. Maybe one day, but not today. Let’s get behind this project and work together for the success of our state.


Read the full story in the News Leader


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