Get the Facts About the Atlantic Coast Pipeline
The approximately 600-mile Atlantic Coast Pipeline is designed to make our region energy sure by connecting us to an abundant supply of affordable, cleaner-burning natural gas.

What is FERC anyway?

What is FERC anyway?
As energy projects like the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) begin to develop, you’ll hear a lot of conversation about FERC. The average American doesn’t typically have much interaction with FERC and may not be aware of the role it plays within the Department of Energy. 

FERC is short for The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and it’s the agency responsible for independently reviewing and authorizing interstate natural gas pipelines, as well as other interstate energy issues. In regard to the ACP, FERC must decide if the pipeline is necessary before construction can begin.

FERC works to ensure the public has been properly notified about the specifics of a new pipeline. It also conducts a process of gathering information about the project as well as collecting public comments, which it will use to create Environmental Impact Statements. Just like the name implies, these statements evaluate the pipeline’s potential impact on the environment where it is to be located. 

Finally, it will be up to the FERC commissioners to approve the project by issuing a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. This certifies that FERC has reviewed all facets of the proposed pipeline and deems that it’s in the public’s best interest for the project to move forward. 

FERC takes the public comments it has collected – both for and against a project – into account before making its final decision. That’s why it’s so important for supporters of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline to contact FERC to ensure their voices are heard.

We’ve made it easy to send a quick online message to FERC. Click here to send yours today!


FERC | Project Need | Route | Safety